Monday, February 21, 2005

The Mexican Hat Dance
Novartis, a German pharmaceutical company just bought out two major American Pharmaceutical companies for a combined 8.3 billion dollars. In related news, I bought a pack of POGS for 3.25 on ebay, you tell me who got the better deal. I don't care what it is, if someone offers you 8.3 billion dollars for anything, outside of your life, take it, then buy my pog collection for just 1 billion of them oney you had earned.
I hope someone else caught the new season of ESPN's dream job, in which 5 former NBA players are competeing for the job of NBA analyst, and Stephen Angry Smith yells at them like they are street trash. Was pretty comical stuff. Darryl Dawkins was amazingly bad, it sounded as if he were chewing on a flashlight while attempting to read the cue cards, something tells me you won't see him on any NBA Read to Achieve commercials any time soon. After Dee Brown's attempt at reading the cue cards, Stephen Angry Smith let Dee know he was disappointed, at which point Dee pumped his Reeboks twice and beat Smith with his own microphone, all without looking. Okay I may of added that last part, but I doubt anyone would of minded if Smith took a few lumps from the Dunk Champ.
It looks like it's come time again for Red Sox and Yankees fans to spend millions of dollars on there local teams so the teams can then ruin baseball. I'm a Sox fan, although I'm not about to say I'm a member of Red Sox nation, because I don't want to be a part of any group that includes the likes of Jimmy Fallon. But really I think I would celebrate if the Kansas City Royals pulled off a world series win this year. Actually I will celebrate with just one win. The vegas odds on them winning the American League Pennant right now is 150 to 1. Do you realize how much talent the Sox and the Yanks had to buy in order to create a situation where a team has 150-1 odds. The Sox didn't really break the curse last year, they just bought it. I'm jumping on the Royals bandwagon right now. Maybe I'll buy a Royals hat so they can afford to hang on the there 2nd baseman.
Global Warming is apparently real everywhere except Boston, it's a sweltering 15 degrees out and snowing. Winter has some good underappreciated things in the Northeast though. Like anytime someone you know is going on a trip anywhere it's warm for any reason you get to hit them with the old mainstay "Can I come in your suitcase." And then you can wait for the laugh like the person traveling hasn't heard it 674 times in the past week. I would like to go away and hold people to the suitcase thing. Just show up at there houses with typical luggage the day of trip and tell them to hop in. Find out how many of the specialties in originality are serious about there request. It could be a long flight to Hawaii with a stop over in New Mexico in that suitcase.
I just realized that if you look "Rick" up on Yahoo, the number 1 thing that comes up is the home page of some travel guide named Rick Steve's. According to Yahoo he is the most important Rick ever, which is nice because it gives me the goal of one day topping the Rick yahoo list. I mean Rick James is number three, so outside of that I don't see much competition. (I know a few of you just came right out an in your mind said "I'm Rick James, bitch" and I'm telling you right now that joke is over and old. And if your wondering how I know you thought that, it's because second I finished singing my rendition of superfreak, I uttered those same words.)


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