Monday, February 07, 2005

The blog is back with a vengeance

I think the best way to describe the blogs triumphant return would be to sing Mark Morrison's return of the Mack, but unfortunately it is not going to happen, so in my best Dana Carvey doing an impression of George H.W. Bush (41) voice, "Not gonna do it." Ok so back into the real business of the blog's return, the blog had to go away for a while due to heavy amounts of school work, but had been receiving a large number of hits before I discontinued it, so I thought while I was on co-op it would be a good time to bring it back. The blog will be moving in a much more sports oriented direction, as for what I had received from feedback seemed to be the best part of the blog. I have said before that I like to write and this is a great killer of free time, so I do this pretty much for me, but it is always pretty cool to hear someone out there is actually reading this thing so email me at with any comments, things you liked, or didn't like. I will make more of an effort to get a steady number of posts up here, like I said I was getting a solid number of hits in the blogs first term, so if I get good numbers over the next few month I will try and move it to its own domain. Well during the blogs hiatus the Sox won the series, and just last night the Pats won the super bowl, so I had best get this thing on the road.


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