Pistons Lakers
http://s19.sitemeter.com/meter.asp?site=s19southeastofdisorderHere's the prediction, Pistons in 6, Kobe is ineffective most of the series, he will have his occasional spurt, but tayshaun is too long for him and rip is too good of condition.
Can someone tell what what is wrong with a sox, apparently we will bne praying to nomah to save us.
The best commercial out there right now has to be them miller commercials, they are crushing bud right now, I think that anything that is bad hsould be considered a travishamockery now.
I miss the winter olympics, I havent seen a good game of curling in a while.
As a criminal justice major i have learned a few things, 1. police officers don't like to process dui's, so feel free to drive drunk, just don't drive into me, secondly police officers avoid gettign into high speed pursuits, so drive drunk and if they try and pull you over speed off, they won't chase ya. (the preceeding statement was sarcastic, probably not a good idea to drive drunk, that how you meet telephone polls.)
If you haven't seen Big Fish see it, if you have, and can find that giant for me, my birthday is coming up and hed make a great gift.
There is a show coming to tv called marriage swap, where people trade spouses, I have a problem with this. What if your spouse is hot, the the one you receive is not? What if you get a spouse who has a crack addiction? Is it cheating if you hook up with your substitute spouse, or is this legal? And lastly, how much do you dislike your wife/husband, if your trying to trade her, shoudln't you look into divorce, being head of a household doesnt make you like a general manager in sports, if I have a kid I know goign in that I can't trade him for someone else's kid and a kid to be named later, or trade my wife for a mormons two wives.
If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, I would have ot take a long hard look at ribs.
If the NHL goes under it will be a serious travishamockery, our relations wiht Canada will go to the toilet, we are gonna have to start importing a lot of canadian ham and molson.
Buffett song of the week: If phone doesn't ring it's me
And heres a question to think about for the day look at your buddy liston aim, how many of those people do you actually talk to, about 10, if people like you maybe 20, then why do you have a 150 names on there? Just curious.
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