Wednesday, February 09, 2005

A few random thoguhts on a Thursday morning
Anyone else been lucky enough to go to a website and be the 9,784,532,565,684,344,659,674th visitor and win a free cruise. Has anyone been fooled by this yet and thought they had won. I mean if your going to try and fool me to get me to click on this thing, at least give me a nice round number, like 10,000 at least it would be more believable that I could of won something.

I just checked and realized that John Kerry is still selling Kerry/Edwards merchandise, is anyone still buying this stuff thinking that throwback political wear is going to be big soon. Like 50 cent is going to show up in his next video rockin some Dukakis 88 sweatpants, a Dole 96 hoodie, and a Mondale 88 bumper sticker on his 2005 Escalade. The funniest thing is its not even like he has the crap on clearance, he's got it out there like he didn't lose. This is the worst case of denial I've seen since Jesse Spano's caffeine pill addiction (I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so scared.) Do you think Michael Moore ever gets mail thats directed to Al Borland?

When did Snoop Dogg become this friendly lovable character? Wasn't he arrested for murder at one point, and isn't he a crypt? Now I like Snoop a loop as much as the next guy, but hasn't anyone noticed this as a strange transformation. I thought the wwf, or the actual show transformers were the only places where your image changes so quickly.

I think we should all put up a serious fight to save moustaches. They are a dieing breed and a beautiful thing. I have 2 uncles who have been hanging on to there 'staches for as long as I have known them, and I gotta say, any man with a stash is a better man than me. It seemed a few years ago we had a huge rage over the disappearing community of people who adorn mulletts, and I think we did a good job of saving the mullett right up untill the end of the NHL, the same things should be in order for moustaches, and if you don't think so your getting kicked outta my blog.

I'm in the midst of creating spyware for the blog, after seeing all these warning's I receive in pop ups about it, I think it would give the blog an all new edgier style, kind of like the blog meet Bon Jovi, or somewhere along those lines.

They are remaking Willy Wonka, this is an outrage. If it isn't broke don't fix it. Did these people miss Blues Brothers 2000. I'm really hoping we aren't going to hit the Puff Daddy stage in movies, where writers run out of good ideas, so they just remake the classics and have some guy wearing way more jewelry than any man should wear starts yelling we won't stop cuz we can't stop through the tv screen, but I do feel it coming.
Sorry bout that, just had a flashback from the mid 90's, was pretty horrible.

I swear someone told me they were making new episodes of family guy, but apparently they are on the rocky 6 plan.

Does anyone miss the MTV Rock n Jock basketball games? I thought these things were great, slap together a team of 1 NBA player not good enough to play in the real all star game, 1 athlete from another sport who has nothing better to do in the offseason, 3 celebrities who also happen to be pretty good athletes, 1 celebrity who is between the ages of 8-14, and 2 good looking female celebrities that don't get off the bench. I think if I had to slap together a team right now my lineup would look like this
sg Ron Artest-just because he's artest, fights usually ensue.
pf Will Ferrell- whooped p-diddy's marathon time, and yes I am aware I mentioned puffy twice in this blog, and no I am not happy I am giving the dollar sign's sidekick so much attention. But I think I would put Ferrell at the Power Forward postion.
c Bob Saget-Danny Tanner has some serious height, he made Uncle Joey look like a smurf, he's definately my center.
pg Mario Lopez- He's my point guard, there is no better athlete in the world than AC Slater, do you realize he never lost a wrestling match at bayside.
sf Mr. T- For 4 reasons- 1. To see his reaction when the official asks him to take off his jewelry while he plays. 2. To see Ron Artests reaction when he realizes his teammate is his lifelong hero, Clubber Lang. 3. Because he is Mr. T damn it. 4- To see the MTV ratings plummet when the viewers realize that Mr. T really is the star of the show.
6th man Chris Griffin - Yes I know he's a fictional character, but I need to fill the 8-12 year old catagory. It would make the show like one of those really strange early 80's movies where they combined real actors with cartoon characters, kinda like Mr. Limpet, would be a good time for everyone. How does MTV go from airing the rock n jock games 78 times a day to just completely getting rid of them.

I'm sick of parents and teachers telling an 8 year old kid they can be president, lets stop insulting the kid's intelligence, he's 8, the legal age requirement is like 40, how bout we gun for a little bit more realistic of a goal, like a free pizza courtesy of Book It at pizza hut for reading the Bernstein Bears Build a Treehouse.

If I were Santa Clause right now I'd be laughing my fat behind off at the Easter Bunny. The oversized rabbit has to hop around the entire world in one night with like 900,000,000 cadbury eggs and do it by foot. You know Santa is hanging out in a jaccuzzi in the North Pole with a miller light in his hand saying, "Don't be so cheap, spend the extra few bucks on a sleigh and some reign deer and maybe people won't look at you as such an amature. Oh ya, lose the eggs, they make you look fat."

Apparently there is an obesity epidemic in America, which has set off this huge health rage, which really hurts those of us that don't want to be healthy. I mean before if you wanted to be unhealthy, there were hoardes of other unhealthies like you, therefore you really were even with others when it came to dating, now the unhealthies have to contend with the healthies, and that's just not right. And Windsor Pilates can't work, figure I would throw this in there, you can't lose weight by makeing wierd creepy movements on a little piece of padding.

I guarantee if you go to a big enough school there is one kid who wears shorts everyday, not matter how cold. Where do these kids come from, there are 3 on my campus, I know exactly what they look like, see them all the time. It's like -8 degrees, and they are wearing shorts. Now from what I hear these people are everywear, there should be a list of these people made up like a sex offenders list, becuase these people have to be criminally insane.


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